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Carli "Wanderer" Frueh


Updated: Sep 27, 2023

A parasite is an organism living in, on, or with another organism in order to obtain nutrients, grow, or multiply often in a state that directly or indirectly harms the host.

As humans we are pretty use to considering our bodies to be our property. We are born with this body. We feed it, exercise. We can do what we want with our body, make it smarter or dumber in any way we see fit. Because this is my body, right!? Well, technically maybe. You own your body the way that you own your home, except that you can't sell your body, legally that is... well maybe depending on the State you reside in. (insert humor here). Well, it turns out, you are not the only resident of your body. Let's just say that you have tenants, and like all tenants there are some that mow the lawn and shovel snow from the sidewalk, and fix leaky pipes for you, and then you have the ones that are cooking drugs in the back room and setting fire to your microwave.

So, my friends -- welcome to my blog, soon to be podcast ---- and it's all about the stuff that lives inside you! Check me out on X as I discuss the danger or parasites in the human body and how to rid them, on Wednesday, 9/27 @ 5pm Central/6pm Eastern.


(Image credit: Lukas

Did you know that parasites are the root cause of almost every health condition known to man? It is true. Unfortunately, there is limited awareness of the significant danger of parasitic infections in the human body. Despite the fact that parasites kill more than every war, every accident; ever plague, and all illnesses combined.

Continue reading and you will begin to understand that parasites are not just a third world problem. Most people would be truly shocked to discover the extraordinary high number of individuals who are unknowingly infected with parasites.

Many prominent doctors agree that in human history, the parasite challenge is likely the most unrecognized of all endemic problems. Because they cannot be seen and rarely present immediate symptoms, they remain invisible as a cause or contributing factor to what can be a serious health issue. Using microscopes of varying power, photographers can now show us what these parasites look inside the human body.

The butterfly in your stomach, the tingle at the tip of your tongue, the sense of stimulation out of the norm that you felt towards someone or something. The cravings for unhealthy food, habit and lifestyle, these can be the parasites living their fantasies vicariously through you.

(Roundworm - Image credit: STOCK)

Interestingly, parasites are also telepathic. You can prove this for yourself. Recently I was talking with a friend about a recent cleanse I had just completed, a garlic enema. I was sharing the ingredients he would need to buy and the procedure. He stated that he was going to go purchase everything and complete the cleanse that same day. Immediately after he said those words, he told me that his tummy started churning and he felt he had to go to the bathroom all of a sudden. I explained to him that when I decide to do a garlic enema and start prepping for it, the same happens to me. It seems the parasites would rather leave the body naturally than be killed by garlic. All that being said, parasites are indeed telepathic, which means that they can communicate with themselves remotely to accomplish collective culture, direction, and purpose or sense of being.

For those that may think all this is bogus, you are wrong. Research Neuro-parasitology.

Neuro-parasitology is an emerging branch of science that deals with parasites that can control the nervous system of the host. It offers the possibility of discovering how one species (the parasite) modifies a particular neural network, and thus particular behaviors, of another species (the host). Such parasite, host interactions, developed over millions of years of evolution, provide unique tools by which one can determine how neuromodulation up or down regulates specific behaviors. In some of the most fascinating manipulations, the parasite taps into the host brain neuronal circuits to manipulate host cognitive functions. To name a few from a study, some worms induce crickets and other terrestrial insects to commit suicide in water, enabling the exit of the parasite into an aquatic environment favorable to its reproduction. In another example of behavioral manipulation, ants that consumed the secretions of a caterpillar containing dopamine are less likely to move away from the caterpillar and more likely to be aggressive. This benefits the caterpillar for without its ant bodyguards, it is more likely to be attacked by parasitic insects that would lay eggs inside its body. Another interesting example is the parasitic wasp, which induces a guarding behavior in its ladybug host in collaboration with a viral mutualist. To exert long term behavioral manipulation of the host, the parasite must secrete compounds that act through secondary messengers and or directly on genes, often modifying gene expression to produce long lasting effects.

Gut Worms - Image credit: STOCK Photo

There is more; parasites are also responsible for a large part of society's malfunctions including abuse, violence, deceptions, greed, rape, pedophilia, homosexuality, etc. They are persistent, dangerous and deadly, and can take over your senses, your mind, emotions and soul.

Now the death of the host is certainly a setback to many parasites. To some like the tapeworm, it is fatal; but smarter ones like the louse simply go off in search of a new host. The obligate parasite, that is, it must have a living host on which to grow and complete its life cycle.

Unlike bacteria or viruses, parasites undergo a metamorphosis during their life cycles that presents the human immune system with a moving target, literally. Like all viruses, the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is an intracellular parasite: the virus particle itself is inert and cannot propagate or do any damage until it enters a host cell. Probably the most common parasite is the salmonella, which are also intracellular parasites, gaining access to their hosts by penetrating through the intestinal cells. You ever felt a slight pitching in the abdominal area? Yes, me too. Lymphatic Elephantiasis Filariasis, caused by parasitic ground worms is the leading cause of disability worldwide.


Think of all the inquisitions, and all of the wars and the wickedly evil dictators that seemed crazed out of their minds. The rampant pedophilia around the world and human trafficking and organ harvesting. Imagine if shock and awe lasted 20 years and trickled into every corner of earth. Mind controlling parasites are able to create and magnify threats in our minds and choreograph our reactions to these threats in order to create an environment of overwhelming fear and insecurity that bring about a low vibration which further empowers and enables parasites to continue to rule our heads and hearts so that we work to our own detriment. Just like the invisible enemy that President Trump mentioned during Covid19.


  1. Malaria

  2. Schistosomiasis

  3. Soil-Transmitted Helminths

  4. Lymphatic filariasis

  5. Onchoceriasis

  6. Giardiasis

  7. American trypanosomiasis

  8. African trypanosomiasis

  9. Toxoplasmosis

  10. Amebiasis

  11. Microsporidiasis

  12. Leishmaniasis

  13. Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)

  14. Myiasis

  15. Pediculous

  16. Phthiriasis

  17. Scabies

  18. Trombiculosis

  19. Heartworm Disease

  20. Ascariasis

  21. Cestodiasis

  22. Enchinococcosis

  23. Enterobiasis

  24. Fascioliasis

  25. Filariasis

  26. Guinea Worm Disease

  27. Heterophyiasis

  28. Hookworm Disease

  29. Rat Lungworm Disease

  30. Trichinosis

  31. Trichuriasis

  32. Ambebic Dysentery

  33. Toxoplasmosis

  34. Trichomoniasis

  35. Trypanosomiasis

Hundreds of other diseases caused by parasites can be found here on the >> CDC website.

11 Signs You May Have A Parasite

  1. Digestive Problems

  2. Chronic Fatigue or Exhaustion

  3. Irregular Heartbeat

  4. Muscular and Joint pain

  5. Anemia

  6. Lack of Satisfaction after meals

  7. Itching and irritation of the anus and genitals

  8. Bruxism - the grinding of teeth in sleep

  9. The Whites or your Eyes constantly red

  10. Depression

  11. Repeat yeast infections

Considering I have covered a variety of parasites and its effects on the human body, below are ways to protect yourself for attracting them.

Foods THAT MAY cause Parasites

Common food sources of parasites include:

  • Raw or undercooked meat, including fish. (many restaurants undercook meet by design. Always ask for your meat well done or ask them to cook longer).

  • Raw or unwashed fruits and vegetables.

  • Raw aquatic plants, such as watercress.

  • Unpasteurized milk and juices.

How do people get parasites?

Common causes of parasitic infections include:

  • Spending time in areas with known parasites.

  • Contaminated water, foods, soil, blood or feces (poop).

  • Not washing your hands before eating or drinking.

  • Washing or bathing infrequently.

  • Having a weak immune system.

  • Contaminated bug bites.

  • Sexual contact.

So What Can You Do About It?

Stop eating the food that parasites love. Processed sugar, junk food, meat, fish, cheese, milk, alcohol, commercial fruit juices, etc. These foods are highly acidic and parasites thrive in acidic environments.

Alkalize your body, mood and environment to the level that parasites hate to stick around.

Image credit: Getty

Alkaline Food List

  1. Almonds & Almond Milk

  2. Artichokes

  3. Arugula

  4. Asparagus

  5. Avocado

  6. Basil

  7. Beetroot

  8. Broccoli

  9. Brussel Sprouts

  10. Buckwheat

  11. Cabbage

  12. Carrot

  13. Cauliflower

  14. Chives

  15. Celery

  16. Cilantro

  17. Coconut

  18. Collard Greens

  19. Cucumber

  20. Dandelion

  21. Eggplant

  22. Flax oil

  23. Garlic

  24. Ginger

  25. Gluten Free Breads

  26. Grapefruit

  27. Green beans

  28. Kale

  29. Kelp

  30. Leeks

  31. Lemon

  32. Lentils

  33. Lettuce

  34. Lima Beans

  35. Lime

  36. Millet

  37. Mint

  38. Mung Beans

  39. Mustard Greens

  40. Navy Beans

  41. New Potatoes

  42. Okra

  43. Olive Oil

  44. Onion

  45. Parsley

  46. Peas

  47. Peppers

  48. Pomegranate

  49. Pumpkin

  50. Quinoa

  51. Radish

  52. Red Beans

  53. Rhubarb

  54. Sesame Seeds

  55. Soybeans

  56. Spinach

  57. Alfalfa Sprouts

  58. Squash

  59. Sunflower Seeds

  60. Sweet Potato

  61. Swiss Chard

  62. Thyme

  63. Tomato

  64. Watercress

  65. Wheatgrass

  66. Zucchini

If you have a favorite Alkaline food not on this list, please share with us in the comments below.

Check out my blog below on eliminating parasites by doing a Garlic enema and please share your thoughts and experiences in the comments.

Follow this author on X @CarliFrueh


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